Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 3

This semester started out bad and has gotten worse. I was finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and am now forced to take a detour.

My semester woes started 2 weeks before classes began when one of my classes changed nights and overlapped with another forcing me to drop one of the two. (Set back #1.) Now it appears that the programming class I am in is in fact an advanced class and I should have taken 2 classes before it. I'm drowning and it's only the 3rd week! I had a very long discussion with my professor and we both came to the agreement that I should drop the class instead of struggling to catch up. Everyone knows the easy stuff is in the first couple weeks and I don't even understand it. So now I've gone from my usual 3 classes a semester to 1 class. (Set back #2.) This pushes graduation back to next fall. This sucks!

I'm a CGT major (computer graphics tech.). I'm working 2 jobs and going to school at night trying to get my bachelor's degree. I am relying on my academic advisor to help me set up my schedule. This was a mistake. You would think that there would be prerequisites for these classes, especially for advanced ones. After doing a little digging, there is, a very basic html class. We don't even use html in this class. It won't do me any good to be mad....I'm at least getting my money back for the class I dropped! So last night, after a bottle of wine, I finally calmed down. This is just a minor setback, but I'm still on track to graduate. I have a professor on my side who is willing to help me get in the classes I need.

I think I'm beginning to see that light again, but the tunnel is just a tiny bit longer.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School

It's official. Monday was the start of yet another semester. I only have a few left to go until I get to play in the real world. It still amazes me, after all these years in college, just how stupid some people are. Maybe stupid is not the right word, brain-less, dense, these would be equal substitutes. All of the typical types are here again. The outcasts, like me, who sit by themselves on their laptops or in the computer lab or maybe read a book between classes. The superficial space cadets who think they are gods gift to the human race. These are the ones who like to laugh at people as they walk by. The type who still like to think they are still in high school and will probably try to sleep with a professors to get a better grade. I often wonder when these people will finally grow up. Reality will hit them hard and I just hope I am there to watch. It's funny to see the high school hierarchy still at play. I know it's probably worse during the day, but it still makes me laugh. College is supposed to be that time in your life when you really grow up, when you start to become that responsible adult version of yourself. Who am I kidding, I know plenty of people who are twice my age, with degrees, who have yet to achieve this. Oh well.

So, I have 3 hours to kill between my classes. Leaving campus is out the question. Once you have a parking spot, you don't leave until you absolutely have to. When first arriving on campus every evening, you become a vulture, circling the parking lot in search of that allusive parking space which everyone else is also looking for. You circle and circle, passing the same cars and the same people sitting in them over and over again until you finally give in and park a mile away only to be late on your first night. Yes, this happened to me. Then again, you might get lucky and find that one close spot. This must be what it feels like to win the lottery...because it never happens again!

Class is going to start soon, time to trek across campus.